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D'BondCleaning Products

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Our cleaning products are suitable in industrial application use.

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Multipurpose Cleaner


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Product Description

Multipurpose Cleaner is specially formulated to provide effective and high power emulsion cleaning. This product quickly removes heavy build-ups of grease, oil, carbon and caked-on soils.

· Can be diluted with water to 4% – 20% for effective cleaning
· Can be used in spray, foam, brush or dip applications and then rinsed off with water
· Very cost effective
· High level of safety to the operator, equipment and marine life
· Does not contain hazardous petroleum hydrocarbons
· Allow easy disposal due to its biodegradable nature

Multipurpose Cleaner may be applied after appropriate dilution by brushing, wiping or spraying. Then hose off with fresh or sea water.

Multipurpose Cleaner


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